Valuable Tourist Information on Traveling to Dubai

You and your family have decided to go on holiday to a foreign country. Regardless of your destination the same applies to all holiday travel which involves a passport. To remain organized a check list needs to be compiled so you can remain in control and ensure a hassle free holiday for you and your family. Visa regulations and passport validity are two of the important items.

When travelling to Dubai it is important to note the following. The official language of the UAE is Arabic according to the constitution of the country, while English is widely spoken especially in business and trade fields.
Your passports need to be valid for a minimum of three months from date of arrival (six months for business travel).
A valid visa is required by all nationalities except the nationals of the UK with the endorsement ‘British Citizen’ for a maximum of 30 days. Nationals of EU countries (except nationals of Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Slovak Republic and Slovenia), for a maximum of 30 days. Nationals of Andorra, Australia, Brunei, Canada, Cyprus, Hong Kong, Iceland, Japan, Korea (Rep), Liechtenstein, Malaysia, Malta, Monaco, New Zealand, Norway, San Marino, Singapore, Switzerland, the USA and Vatican City for a maximum of 30 days. Nationals of Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar and Saudi Arabia.
Other important items to note are the following.
The currency of UAE is Arab Emirates Dirhams (AED). The UAE is 4 hours ahead of GMT.  220 / 240 volts (50 cycles) is the standard electrical current and a 3 square pinned adapter is required. Mobile telephones can be brought into Dubai. There are also plenty of public telephones dotted throughout the city. Call cards can be purchased in many locations around the city. The country dialing code is +971.
To make an international call:Direct dialing 00 + Country Code + Area Code + Local Number.
The web is an invaluable source of important tourist information but your travel agency should be able to supply you with the important information you need. It is always a good idea though to have your own list compiled as some items may be missed by your travel agency.

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